logo15 November 2023 - December Coffee Morning - and more

As if you needed reminding there'll be a monthly Coffee Morning at the Mission Hall at 1030 on December 1st.  But read on...
This will be the Christmas Coffee Morning with mince pies and yule log!  And it'll be for the princely sum of £0.00!  Yup, our Christmas gift to you!  And as if that wasn't enough, Amanda Anderson from Dorset Police will join us to chat about your local issues.  By the way, if you're not on the separate distribution list to be part of the Neighbourhood Watch community, email Keith Raw and he will keep you updated on what's happening.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On a separate topic, the Sunday evening food bank collection championed by Tony Ferrari is still carrying on and greatly appreciated by the organisers.  Thanks to those volunteers who have stepped forward to try to fill Tony's shoes.
And some reminders of upcoming seasonal events:
December 3rd at 6pm at The Cartshed - lighting of the village Christmas illuminations.  Cutting the virtual ribbon and pressing the big red button will be our local Reverend James Menzies.  Fear not - the mince pies and mulled wine will not be virtual!
December 18th at 6.30pm the Salvation Army will entertain us with Christmas Carols outside the Mission Hall.  Possibility of more drinks and nibbles?!
J & S