tonys logo 31 August 2020 - Pond clearance

Hi everyone,

Those of you with memories better than mine will remember that the planned Pond clearance had to be postponed because of the late arrival of a some baby moorhens. The proud parents Wilhelmina and Eric have now seen their offspring fly the nest (or more accurately paddle away) and they are looking forward to a quiet Autumn. This means that the Pond Clearance and Village tidy-up can now go ahead on Saturday 12 September, starting at 09.30. So if you can spare some time that day, then please turn-up at the pond, not necessarily on the dot of 9.30 with some suitable tools e.g. a rake, secateurs, wheelbarrow and lend a hand. The more helpers the easier the job at this socially distanced but, on past experience, very pleasant occasion. There is even a promise of home-made cakes for those who assist, provided by your committee. I’m hoping that the promise extends to any Newsbite writers who just happen by to take photographs (if that’s not too obvious a hint).

See you on Saturday 12 September circa 09.30.

Best regards
