tonys logo 28 January 2021 - Share things that are going on

Dear everyone,

Normally at this time of year I would be preparing my climbing gear for my annual end-of-January pilgrimage to North Wales. In 1971 four friends met in Snowdonia for a walking/climbing weekend and the group have met every year since. It has now grown to over 45 members, all sons, grandsons and friends of the original founders. This will be the first time in 50 years that our Dithw Walking Club has not been able to meet. We are sad but not downhearted, for we are organising a get together on Zoom for a quiz, chat and a speech or two.

So why am I telling you all this? Well partially to boast about being a member of such a longstanding and prestigious organisation, but mainly to use the club and its members as examples of the ways in which we are fighting back against the appalling events that have befallen everyone over the last year. I find it encouraging that despite not being able to get together we will be enjoying one another’s company at the usual time and in an appropriate way – with humour, conversation and concern for one another.

This is being mirrored in so many ways nationally and locally. One of our local book groups is continuing its activities. Books are collected from the library, distributed from a greenhouse then read and discussed by email. Other book groups are meeting over Zoom. On the afternoon that my archery club would normally gather we exchange a flurry of emails. Not quite the same as shooting, but welcome contact nonetheless. The Village WI has just taken part in an on-line quiz – hopefully more of this in a later Newsbite.

So how about letting me know what you personally or your club/society/organisation are doing to combat the lockdown blues? I’ll do my best to publish all replies, first names only, and hopefully they will bring a touch of colour to an otherwise drab world

Stay strong, safe and well
