tonys logo 12 April 2022 - The rumour is true

Hello everyone,

The village grapevine is alive with the news that at the SP Society AGM on 27 April 2022, Chris Hubbard will once again be relinquishing his role as editor of the village Newsbites and Newsletters. He tried to do this two years ago, but the Covid lockdowns made it a less than ideal time to hand over the reins. With more knowledge of Chris than anyone else, I was asked to provide – well, not exactly asked, but nobody said no – a few words to cover the history of the last fourteen years or so of village communications.

Prior to this time Chris was famous for his factual, hard hitting and occasionally humorous articles in the premier publications of the day, notably the Dorset Evening Echo. Well, to be more exact, only the Dorset Evening Echo. In turning his carefully honed skills to the service of the village he did not let the power and authority of the role go to his head. He reported even-handedly on all village matters, never looking for a ‘bung’ for a spot of bias or false information. Just as well, for these turned out to be non-existent because, as everyone in Weymouth believes, Sutton Poyntz is a deprived area inhabited by impoverished folk.

During his tenure there have been over nine hundred Newsbites, thirty or so Newsletters and an unlimited number of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Quotes from village readers of the Newsbites demonstrate the high esteem in which his literary efforts are held. These quotes range from “Chris who?” through “Never read the things myself” and “Thought they were spam” to “Waste of time if you ask me”. What higher praise could a writer expect?

When I approached him for words on his own swansong, he was characteristically modest in his usual brief, witty and informative manner (his words, not mine).

He said that it had been a pleasure and a privilege to serve those who had both a concern for their neighbours and the village of Sutton Poyntz at heart, and he wished everyone all the best for the future, including of course his successor(s).

So it’s goodbye from him and it’s goodbye from me.

Stay safe and smiling

A friend