tonys logo 15 July 2022 - Normality resumes
Now that we have all recovered from an extremely successful and enjoyable Victorian Fayre, we can get back to our regular village social activities.
Let us hope that this glorious weather continues and that you have been watering those fruit and veg - ready for the Annual Vegetable Show on July 30th at the Mission Hall.  Be there before 9.30 if you’re entering something – if you’re proud of your 12-incher there’ll be a line of people ready to check out your cucumber.
Due to a double booking, you will have to wait an extra week this month for your coffee morning on August 12th - but the cakes will be as delicious and fresh as ever!  And we've heard a rumour that there may be a guest appearance of the cheese scones!  Get there early!
And if you are receiving this newsbite and feeling guilty that you have not yet paid your annual Society subs., someone will be happy to relieve you of a couple of quid at the Veg. Show or the coffee morning.
'Stay Cool'
J and S