Open Gardens logo17 June 2023 - Wow - what a day!

If you didn't get out today to see your neighbours' gardens then you really missed something!
Approx 300 programmes sold today, on-track to meet the success of the last event in 2015.
And the egg and mayonnaise sandwiches were a runaway hit, all being sold within 30 minutes!
But you get a second chance tomorrow!  Don't throw this opportunity away...
The overwhelming reaction of visitors is "Wow - I didn't expect to find anything like this!"
Every garden is so different.  The gardeners and visitors are all so nice and friendly.
So get out there tomorrow, 12pm-5pm
Cancer Research UK and Dementia UK are in for a nice windfall!
Special thanks will be coming out of this keyboard to the Open Gardens organisers, gardeners, helpers and sponsors in a future Newsbite...
J & S