tonys logo19 January 2018 - Crafty Chatty and Coffee Morning
Dear all,
The third 'Crafty Chatty Group' meeting is this coming Monday morning, 22 January, between 10am and noon in the Mission Hall (and each Monday morning thereafter). Everyone is welcome to attend for a chat and refreshments, make new friends, and perhaps learn a new skill - or pass on yours for others to enjoy. It's only £2 per session and is a good way to banish those Monday morning blues. Do give it a try.
Also some advance notice about the next Coffee Morning on Friday 2 February between 10.30 and noon in the Mission Hall. Peter Jones, our Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, says that PCSO Clive Joyner and other members of the Safer Neighbourhood Team will be there to address any security matters you may have. Interesting items to assist with your personal safety will also be on display. This will be a valuable opportunity to meet the team who look after us so well, so don't miss it.