tonys logo 3 October 2019 - Surplus produce and Coffee Morning
Dear all,
Tony Ferrari tells me that this Sunday he will be making his final collection of any surplus fruit and vegetables you might have, including any last apples or the odd pumpkin not needed for Halloween. The Lantern Trust, the Weymouth Charity which helps people in times of difficulty, will use it to provide delicious meals for their clients. Please pop anything you can spare into the wooden box with a white lid by the phone box and Tony will deliver it on Monday morning. Tony is very grateful, as are the Lantern Trust, for all your support.
And don’t forget the Coffee Morning tomorrow, Friday, in the Mission Hall at 10.30am, and bring along that item which was, in its day, at the forefront of fashion (in the widest sense of the word) but was overtaken by time. I think I’ll enter myself. See you there