tonys logo 6 June 2020 - Extra work for water
Dear all,

Hannah Sweeney, Treatment Project Manager with Wessex Water, says that “with the recent dry weather, and more people at home during the day, there has been an increased demand for water. This high demand is expected to continue over the summer period. Accordingly Wessex Water will be working to bring forward the completion date of the Waterworks project so that the pumping station can come back on line as quickly as possible. They will do this by working split shifts over extended hours during the next two months, starting on Monday 8 June. They will work 8 am to 10 pm every day, including weekends, but will restrict noisy work and HGV deliveries to normal working hours in order to keep any disruption to a minimum.” Everyone immediately affected has been notified by letter, but this is to let you know that the extra activity at the site is essential to bring the Pumping Station on stream (pun intended) as quickly as possible.

Best regards
