tonys logo 29 December 2021 - Appeal for the Cycling Without Age Weymouth Charity; Change of venue for Jubilee Planning Meeting on 5 January

Dear all,

A person sitting on a motorcycleDescription automatically generatedI was going to start ‘You will remember….’ But then thought that you won’t if your memory is anything like mine so I’ll recap. When things were normal – back in the year 2019 – Keith Johnson visited a Friday coffee morning to tell us about the Cycling Without Age charity that has a branch in Weymouth. The charity started in Denmark – where they know a thing or two about cycling - with the purpose of enabling people with reduced mobility to enjoy a bike ride.  It is now well established in Weymouth, where a purpose-built trishaws take up to two passengers (as per the glamorous local ladies in the photo) on a bike ride, piloted by a cyclist who steers a slow enjoyable ride around Weymouth, along the Esplanade or up the Rodwell trail. And worry not about the pedaller, for the trike is electrically assisted. Nick Powell has sent an account of how he has been raising money for the charity. He says “On Christmas Day I entered the harbour swim for the first time to raise money for Cycling Without Age, Weymouth. The swim was brilliant, even though I was the last out of my group. Afterwards I was interviewed by the Echo, and the subsequent article on their website describes me as "a brave pensioner", complete with photo. I don't know whether to be pleased or insulted! I'm still raising money for this worthy charity so if anyone would like to donate then they just need to google GoFundMe, search for my name and the link will come up. Thank you”.

And closer to home, there is a Jubilee Party Planning meeting next Wednesday, 5 January which was to be held in the Mission Hall. The Hall is booked for that night so the meeting will now be held at Hilary Davidson’s house Hawthorns on Plaisters Lane starting at 7pm. For everyone’s wellbeing Hilary asks that you please wear a mask during the meeting.

Stay safe and smiling
