tonys logo 4 February 2022 - Pond Clean-up tomorrow

Dear all,

Don’t forget that the village clean-up of the Pond takes place tomorrow, Saturday 5 February, starting at 9.30am. Many hands make light work, or in this case, wet work, and the weather looks set fair so do come along and lend a hand. It is always a fun morning – I would say that – but it is nice to meet everyone out in the open air helping with such a worthwhile activity. The pond needs to be looking its best because in the summer it will be the centrepiece of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and the Village Fayre. By the end of a morning in the fresh air you will be more than ready for the bacon butties and hot drinks provided courtesy of the Springhead. I will see you there in my important role as duck whisperer, keeping the pond inhabitants informed about what is going on. Memo to self - send them a Newsquack.

Stay safe and smiling
