tonys logo 24 May 2022 - Help for Ukrainian family coming to The Rectory
As mentioned in the previous Newsbite, Sue Sadler is leading the Task Force to get The Rectory ready for a refugee family.
Alas - it seems the dot from her email address was missing - but good news - we found it!
The correct address (as most of you worked out) is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Meanwhile a little more information from Sue. 
If you are able to offer a little help (or even a lot!) please come to The Rectory at 0930 on Friday 27th May.  The first tasks are to sort out the garden and clean the house.  There is already a lawnmower organised but bring hand-tools for gardening.  If you prefer to help with the cleaning, get those Marigolds on and bring the normal stuff you'd need for a good spring clean.  That will leave it ready for some badly-needed decorating and then donated furnishings can be installed as quickly as possible.  
If you have items from Sue's list they can also be left in the garage on Friday.  (Contact her if you haven't seen the list, alternatively it's posted at the Church.)  You can also drop in on Friday with cheques and bags of used fivers.
The family are coming from Mariupol, and were contacted by St Andrew's via the local Pastor.  There is a husband and wife, a 16-year-old girl and a boy of 9.  They have thankfully escaped the fighting and are currently safe in Poland and will be driving here as soon as the house is ready.  So it's all pretty urgent!
Thanks in advance for your generous help.
J & S