tonys logo 8 July 2022 - A Thank-You Newsbite
Many villagers will have woken up on Monday morning feeling very tired after their hard work to make the Victorian Street Fayre on Sunday such a resounding success and had a well-deserved lie-in.  We thank them all: the stall holders, the cooks, the counters of money, traffic marshalls, entertainers etc. etc.  Some people however jumped out of bed on Monday to finish the chore of clearing up after the event!  Many folk had been involved in the planning for months, helped with setting up, stringing up bunting, collecting items to sell etc. etc.  To all those people who were involved in the Fayre in whatever capacity, many many thanks. And wasn't it fun - when do we start planning the next one?
And thank you to all those folk who, unbidden and often overlooked, do work around the village:  the strimmer handlers who help to keep the verges clear, the gardeners who plant and tend the boxes, the DIY-ers who mend the benches, signposts, notice boards and litter bins, those who look after the phone box, the defibrillator... and and ... we know we will have forgotten someone!
Thank you to all who make this village such a special place to live in.
And a message from Revd. James Menzies (who hopes to come to a coffee morning very soon):
 "On behalf of St Andrew's Church, I just wanted to thank everyone in the local community who has supported our refugees from the Ukraine. Many people I know have given generously of time, money and resources to prepare the Rectory in Sutton Poyntz. The resident family are really grateful for everything that has been provided - you should have seen their faces when they arrived! Having been here for a few weeks now, they are settling in to life in Weymouth. Thank you so much for contributing - your efforts are very much appreciated by everyone involved. It's a great example of when church and community work together to make something really worthwhile happen" - Rev James Menzies, Rector, Weymouth Ridgeway Team
J & S