tonys logo 14 March 2023 - April coffee morning will be in March! And other good stuff...
(1) Our normal (first Friday in the month) date has been hijacked by Good Friday so the April Coffee Morning will be held on Friday 31st March.
Normal time, normal place, exceptional Easter snacks (?) and an excellent way to spend an hour or so putting the world* to rights.   *Well, DT3 and environs.
Look out for Good Friday plans currently being hatched...  (Do you see what I did there?)
(2) And while you're updating your calendars and diaries make sure you highlight April 12th:  Richard Backwell will give a talk on his last visit to Nepal and - warning for the faint-hearted - it includes people jumping off a 150m high cliff!  If that's too exciting for you then good news - it'll be followed by the Society AGM.  Come with your annual subs (£2.50 single, £5 household) - cash or contactless.  Yes, you read that right.  If you have any topics for the AGM, please raise them to a committee member (or by replying to this very email) before March 29th.  More details (agenda and various reports) will be issued in due course.
(3) Oh, and mark in April 29th - we're having another Village Quiz.  Our question-setters are beavering away as you read this.
(4) News from Peter Jones:  Residents may have noticed that the Green Hill finger post (junction of Plaisters Lane and Coombe Valley Road) is missing its fingers, as the new bracket has to be fabricated to install the repaired digits.  Roger Bond at Normatec has the job in hand and promises a pristine finger post back in position within weeks. You'll be relieved to know that there are no additional costs to the village.
J & S