Open Gardens logo8 June 2023 - Countdown to Open Gardens 2023

It's the last days before the Open Gardens weekend, 17/18 June, and it's not too late to join in the fun and help the village look beautiful and attract admirers from far and wide. 
And even more importantly, raise a load of money for Cancer Research and Dementia charities.
We still need you to make cakes, and donate plants or cuttings - maybe you've raised too many seeds for your entries for the Village Veg Show (end of July) and we can sell your surplus! 
You can also help with various activities such as car parking and selling those aforesaid plants and refreshments. 
Even if you feel you've nothing to offer, please come along and have a look at all your neighbours' secret gardens, spread word to friends to come along and raise money for these worthwhile causes.
I know you can help so please form an orderly queue - but you can get any further information you need from me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07707 830846.
Thanks, Hilary