The site administrator has a "SuperUser" Joomla account, called suttonpoyntz; this gives access to all of the Joomla features (most of the accounts that have been created give a subset of features, and do not, for example, allow the modification of all the user accounts).

In addition, the site administrator will need access to features provided by the site host (currently, and so has a Control Panel account. This Control Panel is accessed via , using account This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This Control Panel provides a File Manager which allows files and folders on the website server to be managed; it is also possible to access the server files using FileZilla or an equivalent FTP client. The Control Panel also provides control over the site's email accounts.

Separate passwords are needed for the SuperUser account, the Control Panel, and FileZilla. These are known by Bill Egerton and Jez Cunningham.